Flash Fiction

Small World

The world was nothing more than a child’s play set. Cars were toys, people little action figures. Skyscrapers were made from building blocks.  Is this the view that birds have? I wondered, pressing my face against the old, discolored glass. Yes, I could imagine that I was a bird, singing, flying high above, feeling the… Continue reading Small World

Flash Fiction


Ishmael paused on the boundary of everything there had ever been.  His ship slowed to a standstill. Through the viewport, thousands, millions, hundreds of millions of stars crowded together as if vying for room on the dark canvas of space. Goosebumps ran up Ishmael’s arms. He could be the first being to ever lay eyes… Continue reading Nowhere

Flash Fiction

An Unusual Sort of Hitchhiker

My car’s interface warned me about the hitchhiker when I was still a mile away. I could picture it right then: some young student dressed in flashy clothes who had wandered just a little too far from the city in a drunken stupor, maybe stepped into a stranger’s car and was offloaded here on the… Continue reading An Unusual Sort of Hitchhiker

Flash Fiction

Old Friends

In a single moment, Sariah’s life went to ruin.  Morning light tried vainly to filter through closed blinds in the dusty, cramped room, but Sariah didn’t need illumination to know something was missing. She stared dumbly at the empty space in the nook that held her most prized possessions, not comprehending and yet fully understanding… Continue reading Old Friends

Flash Fiction

An Unexpected Gift

Something is clawing at the back door.  Even after months of living on my own, I still jump at any unexpected noises. It’s stupid, but there’s no one to see me do it, so I guess it doesn’t really matter.  It only takes a second for my brain to rationalise the noise: it’s Pepper, wanting… Continue reading An Unexpected Gift

Flash Fiction

Going Home

A wailing alarm jerks me instantly awake from a dream—a very pleasant dream too, I may add. Equal parts fear and excitement rush through me. I mean, the alarm can only mean two things, right? One: something has breached the hull of the ship and I’m about to die. Awesome. Or, two. . . Something… Continue reading Going Home

Flash Fiction

Starting Over

Isabelle stared at the vast, bustling city sprawling out before her. She’d seen the pictures, she’d read the blog posts, she’d pored over the travel guides, but this. . . It was like an ant colony, she decided. All of those little people down on the streets, driving about in their cars and taxis, were… Continue reading Starting Over

Flash Fiction

Misguided Ghosts

When Victor opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a crying child.  His feet instantly carried him towards the poor soul, a little girl no more than five years old hugging herself as she knelt on the pavement, her light brown pigtails bobbing with her sobs. Victor checked for oncoming cars as he… Continue reading Misguided Ghosts